Jean Miller - Relationship Counselling in Muswell Hill

Relationship Resolve London (Conflict Resolution)

Our Family Conflict Resolution service is open to anybody experiencing conflict or problems within their relationships including separating or divorcing couples who may be experiencing difficulties agreeing arrangements for their children and people experiencing family rifts.

We also work with any issues which are challenging an extended family, including grandparents, who may be encountering difficulties over contact with their grandchildren.

What is Family Conflict Resolution?

Family Conflict Resolution is a constructive arena where the conflicts which arise from a separation or divorce, or any other immediate or extended family issue, can be talked through, discussed and hopefully resolved in a positive manner.

It potentially saves time and money by allowing the parties to reach a mutually acceptable, collaborative and workable agreement together rather than having one imposed by a court.

It is a confidential and impartial process. It can be an effective way of resolving conflict, discord and confusions within any relationships and is different to couples counselling/psychotherapy or individual consultation with solicitors. We offer this service to all adults irrespective of age, ethnicity, sexual preference and faith

You will be offered a short series of meetings, usually 3 to 5, working with two mediators. A written record of any agreements reached during sessions will be sent to you when the our work is completed. These records are not legally binding but might help you to remember exactly what was agreed as time passes.

Pre- mediation sessions are available for those people who are unsure whether they should seek couples therapy or mediation.

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Please call Jean Miller on 07801 289514 or email to enquire about family mediation for separating or divorcing couples, or any other issue which requires trained, sensitive, unbiased mediators.

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